Monday, February 24, 2014

Prepare Your Home for the Right Buyer

Different buyers have different needs.  Watch this video to find out what 
buyers are looking for based on their time of life.

Monday, February 17, 2014

Five Issues that Turn Off Home Buyers

Make your home Fit To Sell by addressing the top five issues that tend to turn off buyers. This video will go over how to identify the issues that most detract from a quick sale at the best price.

Remember, if you have had any thoughts of selling your home or know of anyone who is,
please give me a call at (703) 475-3986

Monday, February 10, 2014

Should you Replace Flooring to Sell Your Home?

I often get questions from sellers about their flooring and should they replace it.  Here is a great video that takes you through that decision process.  Let me know what you think.

Monday, February 3, 2014


Eventually it seems, everyone moves.  Some do it themselves and some hire it done.  For those who hire a mover, either on their own or as a corporate relocation, here are some questions to ask your mover.  It is also highly recommended that you get at least three estimates from different companies. Chances are that you will learn something different from each one that can help in your overall decision.
  • What dates are you available to move us?  Remember, movers have busy and slow times so you may need a reservation if you want to move at a specific time.
  • When will you pack and how many hours or days will this take?
  • Is there an additional charge for packing?  How is that charged?
  • Will you provide boxes to use for packing and will you deliver them?  What are the charges for the boxes?
  • When will you load the van and will this be the same day that you pack?
  • If we need to sleep in the house between packing and loading can you leave our
  • beds and other basics out for us to use?
  • What insurance do you provide and what does this cost?
  • What is the cost of additional insurance if needed?
  • Does your insurance cover items I pack myself (i.e., PBO “packed by owner”)
  • Will my Homeowner’s Insurance cover any damages?
  • Are there any items you cannot ship? (e.g., hazardous)
  • Will you need a shuttle truck because of the location of my house/size of driveway, and if so what does this cost?
  • Will there be any extra charges because of the length of carry from my house to the truck?
  • Can you provide storage at my new location until I can move into my new
  • home? Is there a charge for this?
  • Will you make more than 1 drop off (e.g., my house and a storage unit)? Is there a charge for this?
  • Will you ship my car(s)? Will they be towed or go on the moving van?
  • What is the cost of shipping a car, boat, tractor/riding lawnmower, snowmobile or other similar items? Are any of these items you cannot ship for me?
  • How long will it take for my household goods to arrive in my new location?
  • How are damage claims handled?
  • Do I need to pay anything upfront and if so when and how much?
Moving is a hassle even under the best of circumstances, so knowing the answer to these questions up front can make your move a little easier.